Minor Shielding
- Classes: Necromancer (1), Wizard (1), Magician (1), Enchanter (1)
- When cast on you: You feel armored.
- When cast on other: Target is surrounded by a translucent shield.
- When fading: Your shielding fades away.
- Mana Cost: 10
- Spell Type: Beneficial
- Skill: Abjuration
- Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
- Recovery Time: 2.25 seconds
- Recast Time: 2.25 seconds
- Fizzle Adjust: 25
- Pushback: 0.00
- Target: Self only
- Resist: None (Adjust: 0)
- Cast Time Restriction: None
- Duration: 27 min (270 ticks)
Spell Effects:
- 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 6 (L1) to 10 (L5)
- 2: Increase AC by 11 (L1) to 15 (L10)
- Items with this "scroll" effect: