- Classes: Enchanter (16)
- When cast on you: A light breeze slips through your mind.
- When cast on other: Target sighs in tranquility.
- When fading: The light breeze fades.
- Mana Cost: 35
- Spell Type: Beneficial
- Skill: Alteration
- Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
- Recovery Time: 2.25 seconds
- Recast Time: 2.25 seconds
- Fizzle Adjust: 25
- Pushback: 0.00
- Spell Range: 200 units
- Target: Single target
- Resist: None (Adjust: 0)
- Cast Time Restriction: None
- Duration: 27 min (270 ticks)
Spell Effects:
- 2: Increase Mana by 2 per tick (total 540)
- Items with this "scroll" effect:
- Items with this "proc" effect: